
Downloadable Coloring Pages

Hi friends! Here are some coloring pages that you can download and print at home. I thought you might enjoy them.

When I was a kid (not real little), my parents got me a coloring book filled with geometric and abstract designs. I loved it, because I could be creative with how I filled in the shapes – divide them into smaller ones, combine into bigger ones, turn them into recognizable objects, or create my own patterns.

I got so much enjoyment out of that book. Very freeing and inspirational. I could play to my hearts content with those designs. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the title, and don’t have it any more.

Fast forward to today, and of course I love to doodle. Don’t we all?? So I’ve picked some of my doodles that I like, scanned them, and turned them into digital files for you to color.

Yeah, they are hand drawn, so they’re kinda wonky. I like that.

Color or doodle on them any way you want, using any art supply you like: paint, markers, pencil, ink, crayons…anything.

  • Use collage – fill in the spaces with colored tissue or bits of other paper.
  • Stitch on them.
  • Fill the spaces in with more lines.
  • Use black and while.
  • Look for faces or animals in the designs. Or make your own.

What else can you think to do?

You can see my samples at the top of this post. Don’t feel like you have to copy me! I really want you to have fun and experiment with them.

If you need help or have any questions, feel free to contact me!

Printing Tips:

You can download and print them at home. They’re PDF format. Each file has 2 pages – page 1 is the coloring sheet, page 2 has the instructions. You won’t need to print that second page for each file.

For best results, print this page using a laser printer to prevent smudging when coloring, especially if you’ll be using markers, paint, or ink rather than colored pencils or crayons.

Consider printing on a heavier paper, such as card stock, to make the page last longer and prevent colors from bleeding through.

And a note:

Please be kind. These coloring sheets are for your personal enjoyment and use only. You may print as many times as you like for your own use but please do not sell or distribute in any way.

Bamboo flower downloadable coloring page
Bamboo Flower
Bubbles,  downloadable coloring page
Cosmic Daisy, a hand-drawn coloring page by Karen Koch
Cosmic Daisy
Curls, a hand-drawn coloring page by Karen Koch
Hillside, a hand-drawn coloring page by Karen Koch
Leaves, a hand-drawn coloring page by Karen Koch
StarFlower, a hand-drawn coloring page by Karen Koch
River, a hand-drawn coloring page by Karen Koch