
2017 Exhibits, Shows, and Events

I am looking forward to sharing my art with you in 2017! The year promises to bring a new mix of gallery shows, outdoor art fairs, and events. Keep an eye on this list, as I will add to it all year long as my schedule evolves.

Art Classes: I’m posting my classes on the Uncommon Art calendar, so check there for the schedule and registration info. I typically offer classes in collage, mixed media, journaling, monoprinting, plus others.

from WOMAN X 2017, sponsored by Lakeland Community College


February 26 – March 31
From WOMAN X, Lakeland Community College, Kirtland, OH
Artist Reception on Sunday, March 26, 3:30 – 5 pm






Roots and Roads 1, a collage, by Karen Koch


March 3 – April 8
Evolving Landscapes
Summit ArtSpace, Akron, OH
Artist Reception on Friday, March 3, 5-8pm




Memories of Unanswered Questions, Collage, Life Needs Art


March 10 – April 30
Threads of the Past
Uncommon Art, Hudson, OH
This exhibit is part of the Women’s History Month Gallery Tour
Opening Reception on Friday, March 10, 5-8pm


Ohio Collage Society Member’s show, June 2 - July 1, 2017


June 2 – July 1
Ohio Collage Society Members Show
Summit ArtSpace, Akron, OH

Opening reception on June 2 from 5-8pm




boston mills artfest profile pic


June 23-25
Boston Mills ArtFest
Preview night, Friday, June 23rd, 5:30-9pm




Going Forth, collage, by Karen Koch


July 14 – August 19
Delivering Stories (a 2-woman exhibit)
BOX Gallery at Summit ArtSpace, Akron, OH

Opening reception is July 14, 5-8pm




Art On The Green, Hudson, Ohio


August 26-27
Art On The Green
Hudson, OH



Kent Art In The Park


September 9-10
Art In The Park
Fred Fuller Park, Kent, OH




Time of Waiting, collage, by Karen KochOctober 
In The Pink
Hudson Fine Art & Framing, Hudson OH



Stockley Gardens logo 2017


October 21-22
Stockley Gardens Art Festival
Stockley Gardens Park in the Ghent section of Norfolk, VA




Hudson Art Hop Logo


2nd Friday Art Hops, 5-8pm
May 12, Student Art
June 9
July 14
August 11, Living Art
December 8, Holiday Hop