Abstract Paintings Gallery

Frost Birds

Now, here are Frost Birds as I’d envisioned them in my photo session during the Polar Vortex. The abstract background colors, tiny bits of white in motion. Simple but very satisfying. 12 x 12 inches acrylic paint and paper, on paper, attached to canvas

Abstract Paintings Gallery

Polar Vortex 2

Another painting inspired by the Polar Vortex of 2014. (I can’t help it. I love the name!) Again, trees backlit by the sun. The scene was inspired by photos I took from my dining room windows on January 7, 2014. 12 x 12 inches acrylic paint on paper, attached to canvas  

Abstract Paintings Gallery

Polar Vortex 1

The Polar Vortex in early January 2014 provided plenty of inspiration for a series of paintings. During the inclement weather, I took photos of the frost coating my dining room windows. Though I’d planned to use the frost as inspiration, the landscape itself became the source for this painting. It’s very dark, as the trees […]


So What Do You Do With A Polar Vortex?

So what do you do when the temperature drops to a negative double digits? You can’t go outside because your parts might flash freeze and fall off. You can’t just sit around and listen to the furnace run, right? You take photos. Of the cold?? No, of the frost that formed on the dining room […]