
Urban Sketchers Symposium, Journal Flip

I go sketching once a week or so here at home with some friends, and we’re big fans of the “professional” urban sketchers who we follow online. In July, the Urban Sketchers group held their annual symposium in Chicago. Since it was so close by, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to go. We piled […]


Sketching Supplies That I Took To The Urban Sketchers Symposium and What I Actually Used

I got home Sunday from the 2017 Urban Sketchers Symposium in Chicago and have been unpacking my bags. It was a wonderful event and I’m so glad to have gone.  The symposium team did a remarkable job organizing it, I’m happy with my sketches, and of course enjoyed seeing Chicago from a different perspective. It’s […]


The Envelope Sketchbook … and my helper

As I began working on the Envelop/e series, I started making notes as ideas came to me. I’d jot a note on a scrap of paper in my studio, on a sticky note at home, or in whatever journal was handy. It’s great to keep track of those notes, but I couldn’t find them at […]


Ooo, Look What I Bought!

I’ll admit – it was love at first sight. I came ’round the corner, and, ah…there it was. At the Avant Garde Art & Craft show last Saturday, I wandered away from my table to see the other vendors. I went out one door and when I came back in the other, there was Andrea […]